How did my issues get there in the first place?
Restriction found within the body may be the result of fascial, muscular, or ligamentous strain creating structural asymmetry or compensations throughout the body. Compensation can begin to form often as a result of past trauma/injury, poor posture, repetitive habits such as sports, hobbies, and our jobs. Over time our body does its best to adapt to these stresses and strains but eventually leads to compensation if left untreated.
Is Osteopathy covered by insurance?
As a member of the Ontario Osteopathic Association (OOA), osteopathy is recognized by most extended health care plans. Please check with your insurance provider first to see if your covered. Please also note that I do not offer direct billing, however a receipt will be provided following treatment for you to submit to your insurance provider.
How often do I need to come in?
Frequency of treatment varies person to person and is more easily determined during the initial appointment as it is case specific. Space between treatments is necessary to allow the body’s natural healing capabilities to take hold as the body will be continuing to heal and reintegrate itself back to normal the days following treatment. Initially treatment is more consistent, but the end goal is to eliminate or reduce the dependence of treatment and get the patient to a point where they are functioning well and do not require external intervention as the bodies self healing capabilities become more efficient over time.
What does osteopathy help with?
By treating the whole body this creates balance, allowing for better communication to occur between all body systems. When the communication pathways between the various structures of the body are free of restriction, the overall function of the body improves and we are better able to adapt to stress, injury, illness, and disease. Functional motion is essential for our health and when we can move well we naturally feel better.
Osteopathy has many benefits, it can improve: muscle aches/pains, lymphatic drainage, circulatory issues, joint pain, digestive issues, posture, sleep challenges, anxiety, breathing difficulties, neurovascular, connective tissues, organ systems, and much more.
Will you work primarily on my area of pain/concern?
Treatment is determined by a structural assessment based on how you come in to the office that day, guiding me to the main areas of restriction. Oftentimes a practitioner might not work on the presenting concern directly, as the goal is to address the whole body and reintegrate all its parts so they can function and work together. When this is accomplished the body starts to function as intended and pain usually diminishes over the treatment process or goes away completely.
How does Osteopathic treatment differ from Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, Athletic Therapy and/or Massage?
A classically trained Osteopathic practitioner works to restore stability to the body as a whole, incorporating the assessment and treatment of all areas of the body, including muscles, fascia, joints, and viscera in order to re-establish proper fluid dynamics, allowing the body to take advantage of its self-healing and self-regulating mechanisms. As an Osteopathic practitioner, I do not perform any techniques of deep tissue massage or HVLA (high velocity low amplitude) thrusts. Cracking may be a by-product of treatment because I move your body around and adjust tension and compression with all the joints and soft tissues, however it is never the goal and is never done in an aggressive manner.